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A Complicated Case

About Buddy 

Buddy initially presented with a history of not eating very much - which is very unusual for a Beagle as they usually have a very good appetite and don't know when to stop. He had also been vomiting and passing slightly darker stools. He seemed to settle at home overnight but then the vomiting and dark stools continued, which was a concern as could indicate bleeding into the stomach.  He returned to Pride Veterinary Centre and was admitted for further investigations.


Buddy had ultrasound scans and blood tests.  His blood tests showed that he had some problems with ability of his blood to clot and as there was a potential concern that Buddy may have had access to rat poison which would explain some of his signs.  He was started on treatment to help his blood clotting and was also diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. 

He proved a bit of a difficult case as he continued to regurgitate and did not want to eat so was having a lot of different medications to help make him feel better.   We also placed a feeding tube so we could get some nutrition into Buddy which is important to help healing.

Unfortunately as Buddy was still regurgitating, his feeding tube dislodged so under an anaesthetic we placed a second feeding tube directly into his oesophagus.  Buddy continued to be a problem as the next day he developed swelling around his face and down his legs.  Blood samples that day showed that the level of proteins in his blood were reducing.  This means that fluid was building up under the skin causing the swelling so we had to give him a transfusion of albumin (this is a protein).  We have to watch and monitor any patient having a transfusion just in case they have any reactions which fortunately Buddy did not.

Buddy starts to feel better

The next day it was lovely to see that Buddy was doing much better - his face and legs were a much more normal size and his protein levels were increasing.  After 8 days of not having eaten on his own he had enjoyed some food overnight and he then continued to make up for not eating and ate everything that was offered to him!

He was discharged the next day. His owners had lessons in how to care and use his feeding tube if needed, but was seen three days later to have his feeding tube removed as he continued to eat well on his own. We saw him again a week later and were pleased to see him back to his normal self - eating well, passing normal faeces and had not been sick.

Buddy won a lot of hearts while he was in the hospital and we are all pleased that Buddy is doing so well after what he went through.